Tuesday 5 November 2013

Baptist Women’s Conference, Mount Hagen, PNG

The first Monday I was in Papua New Guinea (PNG) we went to a meeting place on the edge of Mount Hagen town to watch the start of the National Baptist Women’s Conference.  It was a week-long conference which started with a march around the school they met in and the whole town.  We turned up whilst they were still setting up, almost everyone had arrived (Over 1,000 women from across the country) and they were lined up in their regional groups singing to God and having a great time waiting to march!

Every group were dressed in different coloured “Meri blouses” singing in different languages.  I couldn’t understand most of them, but the Mount Hagen women were singing “Mi gat Jisas, mi amamas” which is roughly “I’ve got Jesus, I’m happy”!  That was a very popular chorus as I heard it so many different times during my visit; even now I sometimes find myself humming it.

What a noise and what an experience, so many women joining together to praise Jesus, have fun together and demonstrate against the ill treatment of women across PNG.

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