Wednesday 23 April 2014

Travelling in to Hauna on a Canoe

When I landed at Hauna Airstrip, Sampson, the Hauna MAF Agent, met me with some others, he sorted the pilot's paperwork, kindly took my bags and the Eski full of vegetables, and loaded me into the canoe.  Once the MAF plane took off, leaving me behind, we headed upstream to the village.  We sailed through wide expanses of water, reed-beds more than 2.5 metres high, past posts holding fishing nets and past the top branches of trees as it was the end of the rainy season.

The journey only took about 15 minutes and brought us through half of Hauna Village, ending at the Mission House where I stayed.  This video is a short glimpse of that journey, but what a way to see a village for the first time, from the Sepik River which they depend on for their very lives.

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