Wednesday 19 March 2014

Down the Garden

"Mi go long gaden bilong Kimy long kamautim kaukau."
I went to Kimy's field to dig up sweet potatoes.

Kimy & friends
As part of my Tok Pisin classes I was taken to see how PNGs grow their vegetables.  The veg market in Mt Hagen is the best in the country, everything looks and tastes delicious and it very cheap as things grow easily in the rich soil and warm, wet environment of the Highlands.  The vast majority of the veg is hand-grown by families using traditional methods.  It's backbreaking work, especially in the heat of the day.

Kimy very kindly allowed me to dig up some of her sweet potatoes (kaukau, pronounced cow-cow), but I managed a hand-full in the time it took her to dig up a sack-full!  Kimy then carried a large sack of sweet potatoes (Over 40Kg) on her head for the hour's walk home.  I helped by carrying a small sack of corn (Less than 10Kg!).

Shiv digging kaukau in the gaden

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